Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Life right now

Wow!  I am packing my bags to head to Newport, Rhode Island very early Thursday morning to see Jonathan graduate from Naval Officer Development School.  The past five weeks seem to have flown by but the process of becoming a Navy Family has been a long one.  I know how to be a "navy brat", I have 20 years of experience with that (thanks for your time in, Dad) but a "navy wife" is a whole new experience to me.  Have the past five weeks been easy with my husband away?........yes and no.  Five weeks is NOTHING.......a mere blip of time in the world of a military spouse.  Have I missed Jonathan,  heck yeah, but I KNOW in the depths of my soul that this is what God has planned for our lives.  Im not naive enough to think that it will always be this easy.  There will come a day when Jonathan is out to sea for 9 months and I've got a teething 1 year old ,a dog ripping apart my couch,  a career to handle, and a home to keep in order all the while maintaing my sanity with my best friend and partner in crime gone and sometimes in danger.  You know what, hundreds of thousands and military spouses do it daily.......and I am humbled and honored to once again be in the ranks of a military family.  Words cannot express how proud I am of my husband.  Its been a tough road getting where we are, but we made it........lets start the next chaper!  HOOYAH!

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