Wednesday, September 4, 2013

"So what have you been up to lately?" "Oh, not much.......just moving halfway across the globe"

First off I want to thank everyone for all the love and support regarding my last post. I was amazed at the amount of people that thanked me for sharing and shared their own stories of loss. Bringing the stigma and guilt of miscarriage out of the dark ages is something that will always be important to me because of that experience. Soooo...its been an interesting week. Like I wrote in last weeks post, we are moving to Spain. In fact, Im surrounded by boxes as I type. The movers come tomorrow morning and our wonderful townhouse that we've made our home will be empty and we will move in with my parents until the time comes to leave America. A LOT of people have asked me if Im scared to move overseas, and I can honestly say no. Im going to miss our friends and family so much but living in a foreign country doesnt scare me, it excites me. Life is an adventure and I dont intend to spend the next three years being a "base rat" (for you non-military readers--base rat: a servicemeenber or dependent who NEVER leaves base to experience the culture and community of their duty station) There are so many things in Spain and Europe that I want to do during our three years there. So Im working on a European Bucket List. I'm a big fan of the bucket list! Last Christmas during a painfully slow day at work a co-worker and I realized we are both turning 30 next year and devised this great plan. I was going to trailblaze into my 30's with a 30' Before 30 list. I made the list and I was able to do quite few things, but the pregnancy, miscarriage and orders to Spain caused me to revamp my list. My idea even inspired my cousin, who is turning 40 next year to create a 40 before 40 list! Sooo below is my list. HELP me add to it if you've ever been to Europe. 1. Learn to Speak Spanish (duh I know, but I want to be fluent enough to haggle with the Gypsy's at the market) 2. Run with the bulls! Jonathan is absoluetly againist this.....come to think of it I need to check the life insurance policy to see if being gored by a bullhorn entitles my beneficiaries to benefits haha 3. Go to Paris, and drink wine and eat cheese in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower. 4. Climb the Rock of Giblratar. Stay tuned for next post. "I got PCS problems...." (sung to the tune of Jay Z I got 99 problems)

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