Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Winter or Spring?

Here in Virginia Beach we are used to mild winters.  We rarely get snow and when we do its like Apocalypse Now! This winter has been abnormally warm, which is fine for my thin southern blood.  Today its supposed to be 70 degrees...on February 1st!  It got me thinking of Spring days and how much I love the season.  Its a time for new beginnings....everything is fresh and new.  Days like today make me wanna play hooky from work (yeah right, I have NEVER done that in my life) and go walk on the boardwalk.  Its a great time of year to enjoy to Va. Beach Oceanfront without feel like you are crammed onto the boardwalk like sardines.  I would give anything to be walking the beach with Jonathan and Cooper right now....salt in the air, toes in the sand, just enjoying God's Creation.   Of course a girl has gotta eat and there are tons of amazing restaurants on the oceanfront.  One my favorite indulgences is the Buffalo Shrimp at Mahi Mah's on 9th St.  They take jumbo shrimp, deep fry them then toss them in a SPICY buffalo sauce and serve them with a jalapeno and red pepper chutney and a creamy blue cheese dip to off-set the heat! That sounds like a great lunch to me, especially after walking the 4 mile boardwalk.  Sigh, I guess I'll go back to work now..............

Tell me, how do you like to spend the occasional spring day that happens the middle of winter?

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