Tuesday, October 9, 2012


So now that we are "working on it" (I WILL NOT be using the term "trying to conceive" or TTC ---its too clinical and it bothers me haha) I've begun to prepare both my body and my mind for pregnacy and WOW there is a lot of information out there.  My degree is in Health Education and Promotion so I have a pretty good foundation of knowledge in the pregnancy department but I still like to keep myself informed.  
I was at Barnes and Noble a few months ago and was absolutely amazed at how many "baby books" are out there.  As I was staring at the plethora of baby knowledge all I could think about was the scene from "Knocked Up" when Seth Rogen and Katharine Heigls characters were fighting about him not reading the "baby books" and he was freaking out saying

"I didn't read the baby books! What's gonna happen? How did anyone ever give birth without a baby book? That's right. The ancient Egyptians engraved What to Expect When You're Expecting on the pyramid walls!
I forgot about that!"

..and he has point. MILLIONS of women have given birth without the overload of information that American women in modern society have access to. So I've decided I want to keep my research to a minimum.  I dont want to read books that are going to be clinical and harp about all the things that are going to go wrong with my pregnancy and our baby. I want to read books that keep it real but are still witty and humorous because I have never been one to shy away from laughing at myself.  So on my way home from work tonight Im going to be picking up "Belly Laughs: The Naked Truth about Pregnancy and Childbirth" by Jenny McCarthy.  YES, singled-out, playmate, Jenny McCarthy.........like I said I want honesty, humor and entertainment.....not a textbookthat can rival an nursing students OBGYN book. I read an excerpt earlier and literatly laughed out loud reading the sample chapter so needless to say Im looking forward to it. I am a voracious reader so I fully anticipate finishing this book by Sunday! Anyone out there read it?


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